latest 19 messages by dean[h]

+ [2014-09-02T09:49:09Z] dean[h] i'll reboot anyway, brb ;-)
+ [2014-09-02T09:49:04Z] dean[h] seems to be a bit quicker now
+ [2014-09-02T09:48:51Z] dean[h] yep, i excluded it in _config.yml
+ [2014-09-02T09:28:52Z] dean[h] 58mb, what on earth is that doing there O_O
+ [2014-09-02T09:28:46Z] dean[h] ah ffs, there is a node_modules folder
+ [2014-09-02T09:27:31Z] dean[h] why, jekyll is not processing them?
+ [2014-09-02T09:27:04Z] dean[h] what kind of files, would assets (images or psds ) slow it down?
+ [2014-09-02T09:19:19Z] dean[h] All i've been doing is changing my content
+ [2014-09-02T09:19:13Z] dean[h] to be honest, not much has changed, maybe a reboot is in order :p
+ [2014-09-02T09:16:14Z] dean[h] now taking 10-20
+ [2014-09-02T09:16:09Z] dean[h] I only have about 30 posts. it was generating in < 2s before
+ [2014-09-02T09:15:57Z] dean[h] wiping that plugin doesn't clean things up
+ [2014-09-02T09:15:05Z] dean[h] I only have one file in my _plugins directory (using jekyll bootstrap) and its debug.rb
+ [2014-09-02T09:08:12Z] dean[h] Morning. My jekyll build process has got pretty slow in the last couple of days. It's hard to pinpoint what is causing it. Any ideas what I can look into? The jekyll build command gives me no useful output or debug so i can see what's happening?
+ [2014-08-30T09:19:43Z] dean[h] aha! {% raw %}, nm
+ [2014-08-30T09:18:19Z] dean[h] is there some kind of escape tag?
+ [2014-08-30T09:18:16Z] dean[h] Hi all. I want to include twig template language code examples in my markdown posts. But jekyll is complaining as i think twig uses similar syntax to the template language used in jekyll